Health. Color. Value.
Ultra Balance Premium Koi Food helps koi achieve their ideal health, growth, and energy levels. Our customers agree that it’s simply the best quality and value of koi food available.
Each formula is nutritionally balanced with the correct levels of amino acids, vitamins & minerals, and natural color enhancers.
Formulated for optimum growth of koi 2 years old and younger when water temperatures are 64°F and above.
Formulated as a year-round diet for koi over 2 years old and as an all-age diet when water temperatures are 63°F and below.
Available at quality feed stores
Fresh Feed In Every Bag
Ultra Balance Premium Koi Food is manufactured by Star Milling Co., a family-owned company. We are dedicated to making koi food that is consistent in both quality and nutrition, guaranteeing fresh feed in every package. Star Milling is certified as a BSE Free and AFIA Safe Feed/Safe Food Facility.
The Art of Koi Feeding: Raising Healthy & Vibrant Fish
Koi fish are not just aquatic pets, they are living pieces of art that bring a sense of tranquility and beauty to any pond or water garden. To keep these beautiful creatures healthy and vibrant, proper feeding practices are essential.
Where Do Koi Come From? The History of Koi
Central Asia is the original home of the carp. It is said that they spread eastward to China and Japan and westward into Europe by the way of Greece and Rome. In China about 500 BC, Toshuko alias Hanrei wrote a book on the fish culture in which he discussed the breeding and culture of carp.
Secrets To How Koi Keep You Calm
We are living in a time of uncertainty. Our daily lives are changing from moment to moment, and it can be challenging keeping anxiety and stress at bay. Why not engage in a hobby that can help bring you some peace? Let koi keep you calm by bringing...